MMP International Co., Ltd
MMP’s commitment to sustainability starts at the beginning of the procurement process with their absolute refusal to source any tuna harvested by gill net or drift net. MMP only ever buy tuna caught by vessels that have been officially registered with the relevant RFMO and use this, as well as many other measures, to ensure that the tuna you consume has always been responsibly sourced.
MMP is a long-established, Bangkok based, cannery, primarily canning tuna however it also offers a number of other high-quality products such as mackerel, sardines, pet food and a wide range of delicious flavoured and value-added tuna products.

At A Glance
- Supplying to
- Huge infrastructure
The MMP cannery employs over 2000 people and processes an average of 100 metric tonnes of seafood per day. The cannery itself takes up a whopping 20,000 square metres of space with its own warehouse and container loading. That is a lot of seafood!
- Hey Good Looking!
All the fish sourced by MMP undergoes a rigorous string of checks to ensure that it will produce fantastic quality finished products. Just one critical part of this is a physical inspection where specially trained staff in the factory check each and every fish for its freshness and quality; this individual sensory evaluation guarantees that you are getting only the highest quality fish available from the most sustainable sources.
- Come and Visit!
Intrigued by the canning process? MMP offer guided tours of their factory so you can see first-hand where your tuna comes from.
—Processing pole-and-line caught tuna is an important part of our business, as we’re facing increasing demand from customers worldwide. We’re proud to be supporting the International Pole & Line Foundation as it supports and develops new and existing pole-and-line fisheries to help us meet that demand.
Our Fisheries
Company Policies and Reports
MMP will never source tuna that has been caught by gill net or drift net. Nets like these do not differentiate the species caught nor control the quantity of fish being harvested. Both fishing methods are guilty of not only bycatch and entanglement of endangered, threatened, and protected species but also contributing to overfishing. MMP strongly opposes the practice of shark finning and works with the Earth Island Institute to ensure their products are also dolphin safe. They only ever use fish from vessels that are fully traceable and registered.

Fisheries Improvement Toolbox (FIT) Engagement
MMP does not engage in any transactions with tuna vessels that are not correctly and legally registered with the relevant RFMO which is an important step in tackling illegal unreported and unregulated vessels and fishing. In 2012 MMP joined the global coalition for improved management of the world’s tuna stocks: a coalition of industry, leading scientists and WWF, the world’s leading conservation organization, to improve tuna sustainability efforts around the world.
Marketing Engagement
The MMP cannery employs more than 2,000 people and processes an average of 100 tonnes of fish per day. This makes MMP a medium-size cannery compared to many others but also permits more efficiency, a higher standard of quality control, and better service and customer response. Pole-and-line caught tuna is a prized raw material for MMP and the company’s commitment to sustainable seafood like this is demonstrated through its longstanding membership of the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF).