
Tri Marine

Years of IPNLF Membership

Tri Marine is a leading tuna supplier with over 50 years of experience, providing optimised and diversified supply chain solutions to customers worldwide. They utilise their own resources and a global network to supply their customers worldwide.

At A Glance

Supplying to
Solomon Islands
On the Podium

Tri Marine is one of the largest global tuna suppliers handling over 500,000 metric tons of tuna annually, representing approximately 12% of the global tuna catch. This makes its responsibility of pursuing best practices of paramount importance.

Bolton Group

In 2019, Tri Marine was fully acquired by Bolton Group – an Italian family-owned multinational producing and distributing for over 70 years a vast range of innovative and sustainable branded products. An international company of over 11,000 people, present in more than 150 countries with 60 well-known brands that have become household names for millions of consumers. Bolton’s leading tuna brand, Rio Mare, is sold in over 40 countries worldwide and is the N°1 canned fish brand in Italy and Europe. Pole-and-line and handline tuna sourced from the Solomon Islands and Indonesia are used in some of Rio Mare’s tuna product ranges.


As a fishing company, Tri Marine believes sustainability means more than just protecting fishing resources. It is also about communities, fishing heritage, and a commitment to feed a growing population one of the healthiest proteins in the world. 

Tri Marine adheres to Marine Stewardship Council sustainability principles by sourcing tuna from areas with effective fisheries management and minimal ecosystem harm. They also participate in Fishery Improvement Projects and are founding members of the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation. Tri Marine is committed to the well-being of employees, stakeholders, and the communities in which they operate. They invest in fishing and processing bases that provide socio-economic benefits to coastal communities and ensure best-in-class employment practices. This positively impacts local businesses and supports international commerce.


Tri Marine is involved in all parts of the supply chain. Their activities include fishing, trading, processing, and marketing, with offices and operations in strategic locations worldwide. With a presence in all major tuna-producing areas, they can provide a flexible and strategic supply solution for their customers.

Tri Marine’s mission to provide sustainable, high-quality products to tuna markets around the world aligns well with IPNLF’s work in supporting one-by-one tuna fisheries. We’re proud to be their partner in efforts to support a sustainable tuna industry.

Juan Corrales (CEO of Tri Marine Group)

Our Fisheries

Solomon Islands pole-and-line skipjack tuna

Pacific Ocean
The Solomon Islands pole-and-line fishery has been around since the 1970s and provides jobs for the people from local communities. The large island chain, consisting of over 900 islands has an expansive national fishing area, making it an excellent location for fishing practices and specifically tuna fisheries.
Solomon Islands
Skipjack Tuna
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Solomon Islands pole-and-line yellowfin tuna

Pacific Ocean
The Solomon Islands pole-and-line fishery has been around since the 1970s and provides jobs for the people from local communities. The large island chain, consisting of over 900 islands has an expansive national fishing area, making it an excellent location for fishing practices and specifically tuna fisheries.
Solomon Islands
Yellowfin Tuna
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South East Sulawesi pole-and-line skipjack tuna

Pacific Ocean
The South-East Sulawesi fishery operates in the same area as the Wakatobi National Park, which is home to the largest coral reef system in Indonesia. This coral reef makes South-East Sulawesi a hotspot for tuna!
Skipjack Tuna
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South East Sulawesi pole-and-line yellowfin tuna

Pacific Ocean
The South-East Sulawesi fishery operates in the same area as the Wakatobi National Park, which is home to the largest coral reef system in Indonesia. This coral reef makes South-East Sulawesi a hotspot for tuna!
Yellowfin Tuna
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South East Sulawesi handline yellowfin tuna

Pacific Ocean
The South-East Sulawesi fishery operates in the same area as the Wakatobi National Park, which is home to the largest coral reef system in Indonesia. This coral reef makes South-East Sulawesi a hotspot for tuna!
Yellowfin Tuna
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West Flores pole-and-line skipjack tuna

Pacific Ocean
The West Flores skipjack tuna fishery lands their catch in Maumere, central Flores Island. The tuna is then processed in a factory that either produces canned tuna, or dried tuna flakes.
Skipjack Tuna
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West Flores pole-and-line yellowfin tuna

Pacific Ocean
Flores Island is the tenth largest Island in Indonesia and this means that the fisheries have been split into two areas: West Flores and East Flores.
Yellowfin Tuna
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East Flores pole-and-line skipjack tuna

Pacific Ocean
The East Flores fishery utilises the Western and Central Pacific Ocean for the majority of catch, however will also fish in the Indian Ocean during different times of the year.
Skipjack Tuna
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East Flores pole-and-line yellowfin tuna

Pacific Ocean
The East Flores fishery utilises the Western and Central Pacific Ocean for the majority of catch, however will also fish in the Indian Ocean during different times of the year.
Yellowfin Tuna
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Maldives pole-and-line skipjack tuna

Indian Ocean
The Maldives pole-and-line skipjack fishery has been operating for centuries and has been the lifeline of the Maldivian economy since before the boom of the tourism industry in the mid 1970s. The fishery not only provides a large proportion of the country’s income from the tuna trade and export, but also provides one of the only sources of protein for the Maldivian population, also contributing to a stable livelihood. The Maldivian pole-and-line fishery is located in the Arabian Sea within the Indian Ocean.
Skipjack Tuna
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Maldives pole-and-line yellowfin tuna

Indian Ocean
The Maldives pole-and-line fishery contributes significantly to the country's economy and also to the local, Maldivian people. Yellowfin and skipjack tuna are one of the only protein sources available to this community, so they rely heavily on the fishery.
Yellowfin Tuna
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Company Policies and Reports

Tri Marine is implementing industry-leading sustainability policies that emphasise collaboration with various stakeholders in the private, public and non-profit sectors.  

Fisheries Improvement Toolbox (FIT) Engagement

Tri Marine’s wholly-owned subsidiary, National Fisheries Developments Ltd., has four fishing vessels in its MSC-certified pole-and-line fleet operating from its base in Noro, Solomon Islands. In addition, Tri Marine works with trusted suppliers to source fully traceable MSC-certified and comprehensive FIP pole-and-line and handline tuna from Indonesia.